Everything we do has an impact on the environment around us and the people and animals that inhabit it. As an outdoor company, we’re acutely aware of this impact and we do our utmost to keep our environmental footprint as small as possible. And this is a team effort. We consider nature when we design; when we choose one material over another; and when we decide where to produce our clothing and equipment.

But it’s not easy. We have to make compromises. We sometimes have to say “no” when we want to say “yes”. We have made, and will continue to make, mistakes. But we try to learn from them; we aim to innovate and adapt. We’re not ones to settle. We never sit back and relax thinking what we’re doing now is good enough. At Fjällräven, the term ‘room for improvement’ is ingrained in all of us.

By producing on nature’s terms; by developing clothing and gear that lasts for generations; by placing strict standards on ourselves and our suppliers; and by introducing more people to nature and its myriad benefits, we hope to leave our basecamp in better shape than we found it.

We’re always trying to ensure our products stand the test of time, both physically and emotionally. But a big part of your clothes’ life cycle is in your hands.You can reduce your environmental footprint by reusing, repairing and recycling. Together, we can make a difference.

Read our guide on Care & Repair

Good for us, our partners, their workers and the environment. 


Materials that last, function well and have low impact on nature.


Our environmental standards journey begins with our product designs.